Monday, October 21, 2013

Basis of my Obamacare Chart Calculations

Please be nice, I will fix stuff when I have more time to adjust the numbers (or the whitehouse releases the numbers)

Keep in mind these are rough numbers, run through quickly, and utilizing the fact that Google Docs (and MS Excell) allows you to quickly duplicate calculations across an entire screen. SOME NUMBERS MAY BE WRONG. it is a work in progress

Link to my graph and numbers chart:  [SOURCE]

--assumed total based on media sources--
48460 -- actually paying enrollment as of october 16th 2013  [SOURCE]

3029 (rnd up) -- people per day(PEpd) starting on october 1st 2013 (total divided by time)

494,620 -- Target for 10/31/2013 --


446,160 -- difference of currently enrolled against goal (494,620 - 48,460 = 446,160)

32,975 -- PEpd that need to sign up to meet end of October Goal (446,160 / 15days = 32,975)

-- 17th through the 31st)

16,000 -- PEpd generous approximation from day 1 to day 31 to meet end of October Goal

(494,620 / 31days = 15,955)

  o at an assumed PEpd approximation of 3029 per day fixed over the enrollment period

of October to March of 182 days (3029 * 182 = 551,278)
Per cent of Total Goal (7,066,000) if above assumed to be true -- 7.8% of Goal

  o end of October Goal aside, PEpd over entire enrollment period to meet goal

(7,066,000/182 = 38,824 PEpd)

  o current PEpd as a perentage of theoretical PEpd is (3029 / 38824 = 7.8%)

42274 -- Amount of people per day starting October 16th to end of enrollment period to meet

Ultimate Goal (7017540 / 166 days from october 16th)