Monday, January 28, 2013

Lily Can Skate

Greetings ***Random internet viewer:  61345***

In keeping with the very recent theme of mine where, I show my daughter do amazing things, I have now  even completely blown my own mind. My daughter, less than 18 months at the time of this writing, has taken to roller skates rather quickly (as evidenced by this wonderful video).

I know what you're thinking, "so what! She's got those toddler skates on, they're probably locked out and she's walking!" You are correct in that statement, random Internet viewer you, however, those skates also have a rather impressive ability to unlock the wheels. Those wheels, by the way, are pretty loose and you can get pretty fast in them.

Cut to the video, BAM!!!! she's got the wheels, unlocked, ready to rock, and she's rolling like she came out skating.

Be amazed, be very amazed.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: My daughter did, in fact, not come out skating...just saying ;

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Taking Care of the Little Girl

The aftermath of a 100 degree temperature on the little one. She was obviously looking and feeling crummy and so when we got done with dinner I decided that we should chill out in my room and watch Star Trek and hopefully she would feel better. So apparently being sick and watching Star Trek means instant sleepy time for the baby, nothing a warm bath and a bed time story wont fix.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Daughter dances to "Gangnam Style"

I thought I should place this here, frankly, because my daughter is hilarious.

A little back story:

we were dancing to some music in our living room (where she obviously plays with all of her toys), and when ever I tried to video her dancing to the music I was listening to she would want to play with the phone. It was at that moment I was like, "hey! the computer has a web cam on it!" and this video was made. I, however, did not separate the music play back from the video recording so the sound sucks. There is also a section of he video where she decided she wanted to be curious about the video recording and gradually worked her way up to the couch to watch her self...watching herself...and do a little bit more dancing.

Once again, hilarious.